Quantity of Available Electricity in Palestine by Year and Source of Electrical Energy, 2011-2022

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Publish Date, 30/07/2024

 Unit: MWh


 Imported  Electricity  Purchased from Palestine
 Electric Company
 Other Sources* Total
2011 4,621,686 542,440 26,892 5,191,018
2012 4,909,260 391,966 69,146 5,370,372
2013 4,734,254 402,607 131,490 5,268,351
2014 4,935,297 266,054 72,533 5,273,884
2015 5,413,088 354,970 159,647 5,927,705
2016 5,473,308 338,916 198,158 6,010,382
2017 5,576,864 369,007 176,845 6,122,716
2018 5,915,758 253,525 166,902 6,336,185
2019 6,249,104 591,275 220,004 7,060,383
2020 6,519,119 587,975 252,318 7,359,112
2021 6,678,171 621,100 295,422 7,594,693
2022 7,212,121 608,000 412,592 8,232,713

* Data Represent self-generation and renewable energy.
Source: Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority, 2023.  Ramallah -Palestine.